Longwall Pump Shearer Water Boost Pressure Control
Positive displacement plunger pumps provide a highly efficient solution for boosted water supply to the coal face, however, managing a fixed displacement pump flow can be troublesome when water volume demand varies significantly to meet face operation.
Inorail have solved the problem by developing extensive control logic with minor hardware upgrades to accurately supply demand for face operations, while also enabling multiple water pumps to be sequenced automatically.
Face operations can employ large volume changes, such as shearer drum sprays stopped at gate ends or high pressure wash down jobs made during production periods often causing system trips due to resulting pressure fluctuations of the water supply.
The method developed by Inorail can compensate for multiple pumps or large changes in the longwall monorail delivery system length.
The acronym given to this new system is FCBW – Face Control Boosted Water, the logic applied was developed from Inorail’s, proven, successful MCPS – Maingate Controlled Pump Station, Inorail’s system for improved high-pressure emulsion delivery.
FCBW is extremely cost effective; modifications are limited to a few minor hardware add-ons with software written for Allen Bradley the common control platform for most existing Longwall Pump Stations.
Inorail consider the Longwall Pump Station pressure control development is essential to ensuring our clients get the maximum benefit when choosing an Inorail supply package of Inorail monorail and pump station complete.
Both FCBW & MCPS are Inorail products – they may be sourced from Inorail for adaption to other manufacturers monorail or pump station systems – contact Inorail for more information.